Please call us or use our messaging system first!
All Physicians keep same day appointments for urgent health concerns. Every month we receive a report from the Ministry of Health indicating when our patients are seeking care from physicians outside of our group. Our clinic is then billed to pay for those services rendered. We do not receive notes or records of your visit to a walk in clinic and they do not have access to your records or history. We have extended business hours for your convenience. We are asking you to refrain from using walk in clinics. Please call us to schedule your appointment. We will try our best to accommodate you.
If you require urgent consultation outside clinic hours, you can call the Health 811:
Call 811 (1 866 797 0007) or via Live Chat
You will be asked a series of questions to assess your health concerns.
You will be provided with health care advice so that you can manage your care at home and/or be advised to see your doctor or nurse practitioner within a few days.
Depending on your symptoms, the nurse may advise you to go to the nearest emergency department.
With your consent, the nurse will send information to your health care provider about your call.
Reminder about sent messages to your doctor:
The use of secure messaging is intended for non urgent matters. All messages are approximately answered in 3-4 business days. Do not send any urgent matters using this link. If you need urgent attention, please call the clinic during office hours, call 911 or go to your nearest ER.